Display solutions
Display solutions
Wooden hangers
Ideal Natural Element
Display solutions
Hangers for Underwear
Display solutions
Sock Hangers
Logistics and Packaging
Bags to protect clothes
Display solutions
Clothing accessories
Protection of garments
Clothes covers
In natural fabric
Logistics and Packaging
Fabric, TNT, Paper
Sustainable elegance, timeless quality
Ser-Viz, the art of hang in style.
Ser-Viz, recognized internationally for the quality, specialization and elegance of its people clothes hangers, responds to the needs of famous fashion brands with tailor-made and efficient solutions internal logistics.
Committed to ecology, the company innovates with sustainable materials and low environmental impact processes, maintaining the excellence and distinctiveness of Made in Italy.
Personalize your style: tailor-made colors and finishes
Ser-Viz, coat hangers as unique as you. More than just a hanger.
Uniqueness in every detail: customize materials, finishes and colours.
Coat hangers that tell your story: customized finishes and colors for every style - Ser-Viz, tailor-made excellence